Friday, June 20, 2008


Ok so sex is the most common topic at work in some form or fashion today. Damn it man. Well today is our bosses' birthday. Around 3ish everyone came up here to have cake and ice cream. Well, one of our ladies tells us she's pregnant! This is a lady that is approx. 45 years old and already has two kids and a grand baby. Supposedly her husband has been "fixed" as she calls it, so this should not be happening according to him and herself. Well according to her doctors, she is pregnant. So everyone is totally wigging out and talking about sex. Well one of our senior ladies proceeds to tell one of our middle aged ladies that is is necessary to keep the bedroom hopping. And middle aged thought it was the best advice EVER!
Alright this is what's really going on. I'm 22 years old. I know that if the sex isn't good and frequent for BOTH parties, then no, the relationship probably won't work or last. I mean COME ON! I don't understand how relationships last without sex and I don't understand how they would work if either party was dissatisfied. Toby and I discuss our sexual relationship frequently and we both make sure that the other is completely and overly satisfied. And we are young. Hell, I know my mom is having good sex and she's pushing 45! So I know it's not an age issue. I guess what I don't understand is some people cannot communicate and compromise on one of the most important issues in their relationship. Damn, just give it up and let it out!! Have good slap-me-around get rowdy hard core sex and spice up your love life! It's not hard ladies and gents. It's NOT a challenge, or it shouldn't be, and if it is, then go home and fuck your man! Take him by surprise and just go for it, what's it gonna hurt?
I have learned that in a good, healthy relationship, you have good, healthy sex. If the sex ain't good, then the relationship is most likely in the same boat.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Hi Brandi,

Hmm. I'm wondering if I should leave this comment on a post about sex. LOL

I just set my blog to private, but I'm not sure if I got your email. Let me know if you don't get an invite- kouladron at gmail dot com.