Friday, May 30, 2008

It's Finally The Weekend!!

Well Friday has arrived and as of now I have 2 hours left until it's officially the weekend for me! YAY! This week just seemed to really drag by and it was kind of rough. Oh I'm so excited to sleep in in the morning! Hopefully I'll make it past 9 am because usually we are both up and jumping at 8. And that leads to me either 1) having to take a nap or 2) going to bed at 8pm on a Saturday night.
We don't really have plans for this weekend. Our friends Nancy and Rob are having a birthday party for Rob's son Ethan this weekend, so we might grab up Heaven and go let her get some time with a lot of good kids. Toby and I along with the rest of the family are learning that she needs to be around other kids as much as possible. That way, when August rolls around and she starts school, she will be less likely to disrupt the classroom and cause a lot of mayhem. I mean, what parent/stepparent/papa/grandma wants that to happen? NONE! So we are defintely booking kiddie play dates, if anyone in the area is interested, please contact me asap.
On another note...oh mother, oh mother. Yes I'm talking about mine. She's carrying a marriage liscense around as we speak. The date is for next Saturday, and it's a big secret. As of right now, nobody reads my blog (that I know of) so I don't think it will hurt to talk about it. Glen is a good guy. He has some things about him that I don't particullarly care for, but my mom has to put up with that, so whatever is clever. As long as he is good to her and respects her and is a good model husband and step-father to my brother, I don't care. The only people that are going to be there are Glen's mom and daughter, me, Toby, and little Eric. Ginny may go, but she's very spontaneous so you never really know. It's going to be simple and plain and enjoyable. On the Tybee Island peer. I'm really excited for my mom. She's sooooooo nervous!! It's so cute, I love it. This is what I live for, to see my mother happy again and nervous and funny. But most important, happy again. We have been trying to decide on a dress and flowers and flip flops. I'll probably go spend the night with her next Thursday. It will be our time. You see, my mother, aside from Toby, is my best friend. She's been here for me through everything. She always kept me under her wing and took me in when she knew she was the only person I had. You see, when I was very young, my parents divorced and mom remarried. He was mean to me, esspecially after Ginny was born, and my dad was having rough times and wasn't really in contact too much. So...I was a momma's girl. Always have been, always will be. When I was a child, my biggest fear was losing my mother. What would I do? Where would I go? Who would I live with? What about my siblings? We would be seperated? Now, almost 23, I still don't know what I would do if anything happens to her. She is the BEST MOM EVER. I don't care what you say! Really my mom has ALWAYS gone above and beyond for us. She always made sure we were taken care of and had clothes, a roof over our heads, and food on the table. She always makes sure that we celebrate our birthdays. She always finds a way, because she has a will. She is the most driven woman I have ever known. And it was all for us. I've seen her in her deepest of sorrows and she was STILL a good mom. My mom is the poster mom for all single working mothers across America. She's the shit. So yes, it's kind of hard seeing her get married. I mean, I just want the absolute best for my mother. No less. I have faith that Glen will make her happy and fulfill her needs for the rest of her life. Sorry for rambling, I just had to get all that out. So next Saturday here we come!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A New Day

Well today is Wednesday, hump day. Oh what a hump it is! I'm so ready for the weekend. I really want to go to the beach. Hopefully our funds will be available in order to do so.
So I went and picked up Heaven last night and she was a model child. Well mannered, no problems or fits, no screaming, no goodbyes. I have come to realize that the only reason she acted the way she did was because she wanted to stay and play with Hayden. Children always go for the more entertaining options they have and I guess we didn't hold a candle to baby Hayden night before last, which is completely understood. So we had a nice family evening at Nana Tara's and our house. I cooked a cheddar melt, which was delicious, and Heaven throughly enjoyed it.
Oh and yesterday I got my vacation approved. I will be off June 12th and 13th!!! I'm thrilled. I'll probably spend this time with my best friend Kelli. We have been planning on it for quite some time. And I may possibly venture to Hilton Head and spend some time with Allison and the Jones family. I'm basically just going for an all out relaxation festival for myself. And hopefully it will work out nicely. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Friends Come And Go

Alright, so lately I've been feeling like I don't have many true "friends" left. But I have come to the realization that if they aren't here today like they were a year ago, then they probably never were really TRUE friends. Sometimes, esspecially with girls, people feel like they are constantly competing in a popularity contest. They do whatever they can to gain all these friends, but little do they realize that the people they are so quick to befriend will soon be replaced with new ones because of the popularity thing inside their heads. Too bad for the people being befriended huh? Yeah well that has happened to me. I mean, this girl I REALLY thought was a friend isn't. She betrayed me, pretty much behind my back, in a couple of different ways, then tried to lie about it when I asked her and made up excuses and little fibs. All because of her own personal inner popularity contest. Whatever you know? Did it ever occur to this simple bitch that I am not a moron? That I have feelings and she shouldn't be so quick to do the ridiculous things she does? Probably not. So with that little bit said, I can honestly say that I can count on my hands the number of TRUE friends I have. And they are the ones that have been there since I can practically remember. They are the ones that I can call on when I need to talk about something and they won't judge me whatsoever. They are the friends that will come pick my drunk ass up off the side of the road when I have run my car into a ditch. They are the friends that even though we haven't seen each other in a year or two, they can still ask me a favor and I'll do it and they would in return. They are the friends that I love, have had for many years, and will have for many more. Friends come and go, but TRUE FRIENDS stay forever.

Adventures in Step-Parenting

Last night was supposed to be awesome. I was going to pick up Heaven after work and we were going to go home and as a family clean up our yard a little more. Oh No.
Well, for those of you that don't know, Heaven is my step-daughter, or she will be when her dad and I marry. Her mother passed away when she was 18 months old. So this has been a factor in mine and Toby's relationship. When we first started dating (2 years ago, 2 months after his wife passed) we did not have good responses. Everyone thought I was trying to play the mommy role and they thought he was using me for a rebound. WRONG!!! Two years later, here we are, in a loving wonderful relationship. And although his daughter is not technically mine, I wish she was. I look at her as my own. I love her as my own and I will NEVER treat my children any different from her. And whoever doesn't like it, well, they have either accepted or rejected it. Either way, it doesn't matter. We are still a family. No she doesn't live with us, but that's another story that I don't care to disclose online. Moving on...
So I go to pick Heaven up from Tammy's. Little did I know that Heaven had a playmate, who happened to be a little boy, over and she WAS NOT going with me. She isn't exactly used to having other kids around, so when there's one to play with, she likes to take full advantage of her situation. She knew all day long that I was coming to get her and that the little boy would be going home too. At six o'clock, it was a different story. I walked inside and told her she was coming to spend the night with Daddy and BB and she started screaming to the top of her lungs. "NO GOODBYE BB GOODBYE. I'M STAYING WITH NANA AND HAYDEN. GOODBYE! I HATE YOU GOODBYE."
Talk about a heartache. I have to remind myself....she's only three!! I hate you? Goodness. I was so shocked she acted that way. Yeah she's spoiled rotten and she will pitch a fitch with the quickness, but WOW I'm new to this. And she caught me by surprise. Toby was at home, so I had no backup in this. It was insane. I know she doesn't hate me, and Nana made her apologize because she knows "hate" is an ugly word, but WOW, I'm still shocked, and still a little nervous. But Nana said she's done this to her before also, so I shouldn't take it to heart. So Nana and I decided that she would bring Heaven over when Hayden went home. Well by 8 o'clock Hayden's parents had not come to pick him up, so we shall try again tonight. Don't get me wrong, we keep Heaven often, but her actions shocked me so much I had to write about it today. Maybe I should have just grabbed her up and put her in the car and shown her that you can't always have your way? It would have been a struggle, but I could have done it. She needs to learn that, but being the "stepmom" figure that I am, do I have a right to make decisions in order to teach her a life lesson? Well Toby will be with me tonight and Hayden shouldn't be here we go again. I'm just praying she won't act out again. Give me some input please, even if you are a stranger, and let me know what you would have done in my situation? Would you have made her go? Just a little insight please.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day & The Weekend

Well wouldn't you know I have to work on Memorial Day? Of course this is a car dealership!! Don't you know we sell TONS of cars today? Yeah right tell someone that hasn't done this for four consecutive years that line. No we don't sell as many as I would like for us to, but I suppose we sell enough to make me, along with my other disappointed co-workers, come to work. Oh well.
So this weekend was pretty radical. Toby and I finally finished the hard parts of landscaping our yard! It looks out of this world marvelous. I just can't hardly believe it.
John's wedding was Saturday on Tybee. Although the weather didn't permit it from being on the actual beach, it was still very nice. The only thing bad I had to say about it, and I'll say it, I'M SELFISH, is it was hard to see John getting married and starting his new life. He's like my brother. I look up to him in so many incredible ways and I love him so much. I cried like a baby during the ceremony. It's just a reminder that I'm getting older and things, along with the people I love, are changing. And it's surreal. John has taught me so much about life and we have spent MANY days and nights together talking, laughing, playing guitar (or me trying and him playing), fishing, riding in the boat. All sorts of things. He bought me my first fishing licence. He taught me how to drive a boat. He showed me the most awesome sand bar on the Ogeechee. Taught me how to tune a guitar. When I was a kid he let me play on his turntables (which was so awesome) and he also blessed me with a fond hatred for Freddy Kruger and scary movies. And he accompanied me and my mother to River Street for my 21st birthday, although his new found love had inspired him to quit drinking. And it was so special. All these things ran through my head Saturday and it made me realize how much I miss my Uncle Brother John. I understand we have both grown up in a since and now have our own families and lives going on. But no matter what, he's always going to hold the most ultra special place in my heart. I welcome Belinda, Victoria, and Amber into our family, and I love them very much because John does and now they are part of him and who he is. This wedding really made me realize that growing up is inevitable, whether you choose to accept it or not. And it has it's own perks. You just want to remember people and places that you will never forget and always hold special in your heart and that even though things change, love never fails to bring everything together.